Friday, 23 October 2009

Something small and icky

O hi, I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by for a quick chin wag.

Furthermore, a picture which doesn't speak anywhere near 1000 words:

We have to make a software renderer using GDI+/C++ for Intro to 3D, so I figured I'd go off on a bit of a tangent and make a horrible little skittely spidery thing that looks more like two horses duct taped together. Since its early days on the 'ole 3D rendering side I cheated, and used a different formula to project my 3d points onto screen space:

_scale3D = FOCAL_LENGTH / (FOCAL_LENGTH + _3dPoint._z);
_2dPoint.X = (Gdiplus::REAL)(VP_X + _3dPoint._x * _scale3D);
_2dPoint.Y = (Gdiplus::REAL)(VP_Y + _3dPoint._y * _scale3D);

Copypasta'd straight from the source mofo. Where VP_X and VP_Y are the coords of the centre of the screen, and FOCAL_LENGTH is 200 (it can be anything but values around 200 work best).

So far the little enginey thing supports drawing rectangles, ellipses, solid-colour-filled polys (up to 20 points), and lines. The little purpley thing is a spider with deep seated identity issues. Its legs are animated procedurally, although right now it can only run and be still (more to come!). I love making silly little creatures so hopefully soon you will see a field full of multicoloured animals getting Toblerowned (or possibly Sylvester Stallowned) by a small man with a club.

Also, massive props to Kenji-san for finally figuring out the Gdi-flickering issue.. he's making some variety of tetris clone using winAPI and thus is a very useful fellow.


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