Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Time Warp







Monday, 16 November 2009

Phing Phang Phong

Hello mi fren!

Low productivity week due to nihilism.

Added specular component to Renderer, also Phong shading.

Its all very shiney and slow. Needs moar complicated models too, in order to enhance show-off capacity.

Signing off.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Wet Metal

Merry everyone! Heylo guise!

Its not a very straightforward day today. At first I was all like "Yeah man, lets do some Unreal Scripting!", but then I got out of bed and the harsh light of day was not so welcoming to the idea. I say hello to Mr Kenji-san, but his mind was  plagued by the cries of unborn software renderers, and as such he was creatively incapacitated! So I whipped out the 'ole XNA and decided to destroy the heads of some penguins.

In my youthful ponderings on the inner workings of the vidya game, there were many things which, when logically digested, served only to confound. One of these things was persistent blood-splatter. How do you splatter blood everywhere? Why do you splatter blood everywhere? Can you please stop splattering blood everywhere? And other such questions. 

Today, I saw the light! It was pretty obvious really....

I took the smear layer shadery thing from the previous post and extended it to sample from a masking texture which determines whether or not the smears fade, then I combined the effects of two versions of my particle system to make some awesum bloods. Also Sprite by Freezepop mi frennn:

This took about 7 hours. Most of this time was spent figuring out why I couldn't sample from the freaking texture all of a sudden (PROTIP: spritebatch is made out of vile hatred and register(s0)).

Sunday, 8 November 2009


Salutations fellow coders.  Kenji-san and I have just attempted another all-night XNA session, however we crashed at 6am slept for longer than the agreed sleeping time! Unprecedented fail!

On the brighter side of things there is a small morsel of a game to show for our efforts. However, in a style that is becoming typical of my coding sprees, the 'game' element isn't really the strongest force in the creation. The idea was a large chunk of space that two players could roam around in, and chase down enemies if they felt like it. It was supposed to feel a bit more like a petri-dish though, in that everything should have an organic side to it. Admittedly it looks a lot more alive when you play it than in pictures since everything in the game is restless and insists on wriggling around.

The colour of the world (the gas clouds and the random bits floating about), changes as you travel through the world... I was inspired by interpolating light across triangles to interpolate colour across the gameworld.

This project also gave me an opportunity to do a little bit of shader writing, which had been on the back-burner for a long time. The same particle effect system used in FarmFury was employed here, with the exception that I drew all effects onto a 'Smear' layer, which does exactly that: smears stuff across the screen (and gradually shrinks and removes the muck too).

Also I played around with my renderer until I got it running with dual viewports at a decent resolution. The characters can only run about on an 8 by 8 patch of ground though (98 polys), which makes 242 polys before culling & clipping for both sides to deal with.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Textured Fury: Cow Up Forever!

Good morning everybody!

Kenji & I have rigorously play-tested and tweaked Farm Fury. We added 360-pad support and some new textures too. It's nowhere near releasable, but that wasn't the final goal for the project in the first place. It is, however, a most enjoyable dalliance. This is what its looking like right now:

It would be possible to sit around all day meddling with the mouse & cow stats, not to mention the particle effects...

In other news, the 'ole renderer has progressed a bit. My main aim was to add make it more game-worthy, which meant the following:

  • Texturing! Models and terrain can now be drawn with a texture :) If you go over the x and y boundaries of the texture with uv co-oords it wraps back to the start. This makes tiling a texture across the terrain pretty easy.
  • Backface Culling! Ok so this doesn't really deserve its own bullet point as it probably took all of 1 minute to implement once I realized how it worked, most of the code was already there, but it certainly helped performance.
  • Low-res mode! Currently I have switched the viewport size from 800x600 to 400x300. The final image is scaled up to whatever res you need after the rendering has taken place. This has ramped up the frame-rates of running across the terrain to an acceptable (game-worthy) level.
  • Multi-viewport support! Simply make a second camera, and call draw again with the new one. Current limitation is that all cameras must output to the same size viewport. This gives rise to the potential for a two player game.. however the spilt-screen frame-rate is pretty bad right now. Any game with dual (or even quad :O) rendering would have to be graphically much simpler (read: no terrain), and perhaps further restricted to 320x240 viewport size.
  • Animation switching... There's probably some better words for it. All models now have the capacity to dynamically change their current animation based on their physical state (Running, Still, Falling, Jumping, Colliding), an enum that must always be provided to the entity by any type of Physical Object. Of course I have to write the animations first, but right now the robotman can switch between running and still just fine :P



Tuesday, 3 November 2009

15 hours later, can you cow up?!

Yes, I'm proud to say that i can.

Kenji-san and I finished (lol) the prototype game about 20 minutes ago, and just did some play testing. Total development time was 15 hours. The first was spent on planning.

Stuff that happens:

  • Two player game, each player clicks on and drags icons from their sidebar onto the screen to create cow or mouse factories, or to upgrade them.
  • Cows and mice spawn and proceed to duke it out in the centre of the map.
  • Cows and mice die in an explosion of gore.
  • The players can switch to hoover mode, and hoover up the gore, in order to get money for building and upgrading new factories!
  • If your office (the thing with the big pentagram on it) gets blown up by the kamikaze farm animals, then you lose mi fren!

Here is pretty video:

Its called Farm Fury btw. This was a bit of a randomly generated idea we had a while ago, and finally stopped taking drugs long enough to make it, ha!


Monday, 2 November 2009

This weekend's output

Hallo again.

Since this whole 3D rendering malarky is about getting up to scratch on the various conventional wisdoms of 3D graphics and programming in general, I decided to try and implement a few other fairly commonly used features into my little engine.

  • Terrain generator! It uses perlin noise to create a square patch of terrain, and then averages out all the vertex Y values to make it much smoother.
  • Per-triangle terrain collision! As my small running robot fella travels across the world a point at his feet is checked against the triangle he is currently above (or below, but he's generally above things). The exact height of his (X,Z) position on the triangle is calculated using bilinear interpolation, and if he's below it, he's snapped to the surface.
  • 3rd Person Camera! At the moment it only follows and rotates with the robot, however adding rotation around the X axis, like in a third person shooter, is on the todo list, along with camera-terrain collision.
  • Erm, class structure? Looking through unreal script I really liked the way that there are two separate classes for which can be combined to make an entity in the world. They are the controller and the Pawn. Once defines the actual 3D object with its functions and animations, and the other defines how it is controlled. I have made an attempt to implement a similar structure here. The Entity class contains a Model, a Controller, and a PhysicalObject. Which all feed eachother information through standard functions whenever the entity is updated, and which are all updated separately, by graphics, control, and physics managers.

Here is video:

As you can see there is still a fair bit of optimizing which needs to take place, also the collision can be a little sketchy at times. Also, clip planes in action!

Next thing to do is definitely back-face culling since I needs the speed. 

Following weekend is going to be consumed by unreal script/level making,  expect more in two weeks! 

Right now Kenji-san and I are about to embark on an all-night XNA project (deadline 10am), I'll post our creation when I have time.
