Kenji & I have rigorously play-tested and tweaked Farm Fury. We added 360-pad support and some new textures too. It's nowhere near releasable, but that wasn't the final goal for the project in the first place. It is, however, a most enjoyable dalliance. This is what its looking like right now:
It would be possible to sit around all day meddling with the mouse & cow stats, not to mention the particle effects...
In other news, the 'ole renderer has progressed a bit. My main aim was to add make it more game-worthy, which meant the following:
- Texturing! Models and terrain can now be drawn with a texture :) If you go over the x and y boundaries of the texture with uv co-oords it wraps back to the start. This makes tiling a texture across the terrain pretty easy.
- Backface Culling! Ok so this doesn't really deserve its own bullet point as it probably took all of 1 minute to implement once I realized how it worked, most of the code was already there, but it certainly helped performance.
- Low-res mode! Currently I have switched the viewport size from 800x600 to 400x300. The final image is scaled up to whatever res you need after the rendering has taken place. This has ramped up the frame-rates of running across the terrain to an acceptable (game-worthy) level.
- Multi-viewport support! Simply make a second camera, and call draw again with the new one. Current limitation is that all cameras must output to the same size viewport. This gives rise to the potential for a two player game.. however the spilt-screen frame-rate is pretty bad right now. Any game with dual (or even quad :O) rendering would have to be graphically much simpler (read: no terrain), and perhaps further restricted to 320x240 viewport size.
- Animation switching... There's probably some better words for it. All models now have the capacity to dynamically change their current animation based on their physical state (Running, Still, Falling, Jumping, Colliding), an enum that must always be provided to the entity by any type of Physical Object. Of course I have to write the animations first, but right now the robotman can switch between running and still just fine :P
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